We Have been in Training for this Moment in History, “We Must Step Up” – A Conversation with William White
by Cini Shaw

William White and Cini Shaw
I hope this entry finds you and yours well.
As I sit here in my kitchen/home office, I have had some time to reflect on many of the wonderful speakers I have had the privilege of hearing over the last six months. William White’s closing statements in November at CCAR’s 2019 Multiple Pathways Conference have been resonating with me.
He spoke of the confusion in our world, then, referencing our political leaders and the state of our environment. He eloquently spoke about how those of us in recovery, by virtue of having worked our way out of darkness with a recovery program, have much we could share with the world during those confusing times.
That was November 2019, this is now. We are an interconnected world in crisis. I wrote Bill last week. Here is my letter and his response:
I have been thinking about you, rereading some of your papers and my notes on your closing statements at the Multiple Pathways Conference this past November. You spoke about how those of us in recovery were poised to lead the world through these confusing times. That was then, this is now! I think what you shared is so true, especially now.
I was saying to our coaches that we have been in training for this moment since we started our recovery journey. We know, better than most how to:
- Accept what we cannot change
- Live one day at a time (sometimes one minute at a time)
- Stay connected – call 5 people a day, maybe more, Facetime, Skype, Zoom
- Offer help to someone in any small way
- Get fresh air, exercise
- Pray
- Meditate
- Laugh
- Treat others as resources
- Have a schedule
- Be present and mindful,
- Be in solution, no dwelling in the past, no future tripping
- Patience
- Be kind to self and others
And so much more!
I think we can be leaders in how to do all these things with grace. I would love to hear all of your thoughts, when you have a moment, on how we can help our recovery community and the broader community today.
With love and gratitude,
Bill’s response to me: March 21, 2020 – 8:50AM
Hi Cini,
Good to hear from you.
I could not agree with you more. These are the most trying of times and those of us who have survived the most trying of times in the past have much to offer at this unique point in our history. And I am seeing that happen not only with people in recovery reaching out to each other in unique ways but also finding ways to reach out to those who are most vulnerable in the larger community—sometimes at risk to one’s own self. We were born for this moment. Recovery advocates and recovery coaches have trained for this moment. We must step up. This can start with our own community who brings particular vulnerabilities via representation of older adults, compromised immunity due to addiction histories, past reliance on group support, etc.) and then extend service to the larger community.
With best regards,
The Lighthouse Sober Living and Recovery 365 coaches are all here to “step up” for you, your family, a loved one and your community.